Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Demonstrative Communication Essay - 937 Words

Demonstrative communication is an important means of transferring information from one person to another, or a group through a means that provides context, tone, and symbolism with brevity and conciseness. People are empathic creatures who communicate through many nonverbal means. Symbols, expressions, vocal intonations and gestures communicate information about the sender’s feelings and opinions on a level that â€Å"fills in the gaps† of mere linguistic transmission. These â€Å"gaps† in information are often layered dimensions of information about the sender’s feelings and opinions that would be too pedantic and time-consuming to relate to a receiver with a limited attention span. The following describes how body language, vocal intonation,†¦show more content†¦The words can be likened to the scenery and chorus, who provide explicit content and context information. The hands can be likened to actors or dancers, who provide implicit information that forms a synergy in the perceptions of the receiver. An orator can instill a sense of comfort in the receiver by keeping their gestures soft and reserved. Open palm gestures can be used to put the receiver at ease, as the open palm tends to say â€Å"I invite you† to them, whereas a pointing, shaking finger might affront the receiver with its threatening movements, which can be likened to a brandished sword or a phallus. Gestures are not always rehearsed and can be analyzed as an indicator of the sincerity of the speaker’s words. Jilted movements that tend to indicate nervousness or an excessive flourish of theatricality tend to put the speaker’s words under the scrutiny of the receiver, who is rendered uncomfortable and suspicious of the sender’s intentions. Vocal intonation is an important means of communicating information between sender and receiver. Humans are empathic creatures. Human brains demonstrate to be â€Å"soft wiring† for empat hy, by mirror neurons, which imbue empathic creatures with the tendency to feel the emotions of other people. Crowds of people tend to be more likely to laugh at the jokes of a comedian than an individual who is told a joke by the same comedian inShow MoreRelatedThe Effects of Demonstrative Communication792 Words   |  4 Pagesworld today. The one way that I really want to look at is the demonstrative communication. This is one type of communication that we all do and have done, but I do not think that people realize just how many aspects there are to demonstrative communication. Demonstrative communication is nonverbal and unwritten communications that involve such aspects of facial expressions, tone of voice and body language. 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This text concerns itself with demonstrative communication. In so doing, it will highlight such things as body language, voice tone, facial expressions, etc. Further, the paper will in addition to discussing the effectiveness of demonstrative communication also address how the same involves listening and responding. Communication: A Brief Overview Communication does not have an assignedRead MoreUnderstanding Demonstrative Communication1023 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿ Demonstrative communication Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages involving the relay of thoughts, information, or messages. Communication can be undertaken through writing, signals, speech, or behavior. Demonstrative communication entails nonverbal communication that can be done using body posture, gestures, eye contact, or facial expression ADDIN EN.CITE Cheesebro T.2010410(Cheesebro T., OConnor L., Rios F., 2010)4104106Cheesebro T., OConnor L., Rios F., Communicating

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